
माटो हाम्रो जननी हो, दैनिक माटोमा अत्यधिक रासायनिक मलको प्रयोगले माटो कमजोर भइरहेको छ। जबसम्म हामी माटो/जननीको उर्वराशक्तिलाई प्राकृतिक तरिकाबाट जोगाइराख्न सक्दैनौ तबसम्म अधिक उत्पादन त के कुरा हामी इकोसिस्टम समेत चलाउन सक्दैन भन्ने हामीलाई राम्ररी थाहा थियो। कृषिप्रधान देश त्यसमा आधाभन्दा बढी कृषि उत्पादनकालागि परनिर्भरताको कहाली लाग्दो तथ्यलाई केही हिस्सा मात्र भएपनि न्यूनीकरण गर्ने सोचका साथ २०६६ सालमा जन्म भएको थियो गोल्डेन एग्रो केमिकल प्रा. लि. ।२०६६ सालमा ३ वटा उत्पादन (Micro Nutrient) सुक्ष्म पोषक तत्वको उत्पादन सुरु गरेको स्वदेशी उद्योग आजसम्म आइपुग्दा हजुरहरुको माया र सद्भावले २६ वटा विभिन्न सुक्ष्म पोषक तत्व, इन्जाइम, प्रोटिन, एक्टिभेटर, हार्मोन, एन्टिबायोटिकजस्ता अर्गानिक एवम् केमिकल लगायतका दुवै उत्पादनहरुको विभिन्न साइजगरी ६० वटाभन्दा बढि उत्पादन बजारमा आइसकेको छ। हिमाल, पहाड,तराईको वातावरण एवम् माटो सुहाउँदो उच्चगुणस्तरको कच्चा पदार्थ एवम् प्रविधि र दक्ष जनशक्तिको प्रयोग गरिएको उत्पादन र तपाईंहरु जस्तो स्वदेशी उत्पादनलाई माया गर्ने बिक्रेता,उपभोक्ता एवम् किसान महानुभावहरुको विश्वासको कारण कम्पनीको बजार विस्तार देशै भररी छरिएको कुरा अवगत गराउन पाउँदा हामी धेरै खुसी छौँ र आगामी दिनमा पनि गुणस्तर कायम र बजार विस्तार गराउँदै जाने कुरा हामी यहाँहरुसँग बाँड्न चाहन्छौँ। हामी व्यावसायिक एवं व्यवस्थित कृषि कार्यका लागि सधैं समर्पित छौँ।

-गोल्डेन एग्रो केमिकल परिवार

Message from the Managing Director

Soil is the origin of all species. Despite the fact that the soil is the lifeline of mankind, the excessive uses of chemical fertilizers have worsened the germination capacity of the soil. We know that until and unless we preserve the germination power of the soil, it is hard to think about mass production and echo system. On the same background, we founded the Golden Agro Chemical Pvt. Ltd. in 2009 A.D. thinking that we could reduce agricultural dependency in our agro economy. At the beginning, we produced three micro nutrition. Because of peasants' continuous support and love, we are producing 26 micro nutrition, enzymes, protein, activator, hormone, antibiotic, altogether 60 items of chemical and organic products on market.

We assure you that our items are produced by the skillful manpower in the modern technology. Therefore, it is very useful for all regions; Himalayan, Mountainous and Terai. Because of your excessive love and support towards national product, this company has been popularized among peasants, wholesalers and retailers. We are indebted to your support and assure you that we will send this product to every nook and corner of our country maintaining the best quality of the present time.

Future Plan

The crucial point is that the seed production in Nepal is very traditional. So, the mass production of seed has been almost impossible via the traditional method. Over the last decade, around 50% of the domestic demand for the vegetable seeds was met by domestic (government and private seed companies) sector. Due to this fact, we are planning to import hybrid seeds from aboard and start mass production via our company. We are searching a reliable international company for that purpose as well. Furthermore, we are thinking of importing vegetable seeds, fungi side and pesticides in Nepal very soon.

Lastly, we would like to thank all our well wishers, peasants, customers and Salesmen.

Documentry of Golden Agro Chem

About Us

Soil is the origin of all species, the excessive uses of chemical fertilizers have worsened the germination capacity of the soil. We know that until and unless we preserve the germination power of the soil, it is hard to think about mass production and echo system. On the same background, we founded the Golden Agro Chemical Pvt. Ltd. in 2009 A.D.
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